The Earth is not an inheritance from our parents if not a loan from our children

We are a forestry and environmental engineering consultancy


Solucions mediambientals









Sustainability is no longer an option; it’s a necessity.

Aware of this, we approach our projects in a transversal, integral and integrated manner. There is not only an economic, social or environmental approach. Only from the conjunction of all three is possible a true sustainability.

We design engineering solutions for people, companies, organizations or public administrations following sustainable development criteria. We use our engineering knowledge considering people, the environment and the circular economy to satisfy our needs without harming future generations and the ecosystem that must sustain them. This is an essential value for us.

Solucions mediambientals







Multidisciplinary team, comprehensive, integrated, sustainable and functional solutions.

Each project is unique and requires solutions adapted to its particularities. We respond to each challenge with honesty, coherence, responsibility and seriousness. We involve professionals from different fields, which allows us to have a flexible team to achieve larger projects. We won’t tell you what you want to hear. We will tell you what we have to tell you. We will advise you and we will work hard to get it right, with the resources available. That’s our trademark.

Solucions mediambientals


Technological innovation.




Engineering comes from inventiveness. And inventiveness is the basis of innovation.

Since the beginning of our professional activity more than 20 years ago, we have been incorporating disruptive and innovative solutions that enable advances in our workflows. We have several intellectual property registrations and our own patents as a result of our research policy. But we are always committed to realistic solutions adapted to the availability of resources. We also develop digital and technological tools aimed at solving problems framed in the world of business sustainability, organizations and local development.

Solucions mediambientals






Ubuntu, I am because we are.

This ancient word from the South African Xhosa tribe represents the value of mutual commitment. We are not alone in the world. We are part of a greater whole. That is why we have a strong commitment to our professionals, people and the ecosystem that sustains us. We are committed to leave aside the individualisms of modern society and put into practice this African philosophy that emphasizes values such as empathy, cooperation and the common good. We work with communities, villages, teams… because people together, are stronger. We care for the rural world. We work from the rural world.

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